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Articles by Steve Nicholas

Steve Nicholas is the Vice President of Climate & Environmental Programs at the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) and the former director of the City of Seattle's Office of Sustainability & Environment. ISC's Climate Leadership Academy works to accelerate the transfer and adoption of local solutions to global climate disruption in the U.S. and China. For more information, please visit

Featured Article

As the leaders, and eyes, of the world converge on Copenhagen, questions are swirling like storm clouds. Will developed countries agree and commit to a meaningful greenhouse gas emissions reduction target? Will Those Most Responsible pony up some serious dough for a “Green Fund” to help those most affected develop clean energy supplies and climate adaptation strategies? Will Sen. Inhofe (R-Okla.) challenge Al Gore to an arm-wrestling match in the middle of Rådhuspladsen, the Danish capital’s gorgeous City Hall Square?

Most important, will the 115 or so world leaders gathered this week in the Danish capital come to some kind of substantive agreement, or at least an agreement to agree in the not-too-distant future? Will anything come out of these talks other than talk?

Climate leaders in cities and metropolitan areas across the U.S. aren’t holding their breath. Sure, they’ve got one eye on Denmark, but the other is focused on a much more local (and palpable) prize: Significantly reducing their own carbon footprints — and working to create good, green jobs and a vibrant, low-carbon economy along the way.

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