Articles by Steph Larsen
Steph Larsen lives in Lyons, Nebraska, where she and her partner are "part-time farmers," growing food for themselves and their community. Steph holds a master's degree in geography from her home state of Wisconsin and serves on the board of the Women, Food and Agriculture Network.
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Today’s DIY women: Post-'domestic’?
I grow, knit, preserve, and cook. But I am pretty far from being what I think of as “traditional.”
Herding sheep is like herding people: Desire works better than fear
Moving my sheep into their barn for the winter has me thinking woolly thoughts about flocks of various kinds.
Time to kill the rooster
There’s a chore I’ve been putting off for some time, that I know will be one of the more unpleasant things I’ve encountered so far on our little farm. It’s time to thin my chicken flock.
Waiting for a hard frost
Reflections at the end of a Midwestern growing season.