Articles by Scott Rosenberg
Scott Rosenberg was Grist's executive editor. He's the author of Say Everything and Dreaming in Code, founder of and co-founder of He covered technology for a decade and wrote theater and film reviews for another decade, and has yet to resolve the resulting left-brain/right-brain conflict.
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Grist’s looking for a few good fellows
Come work, write, and learn with us in Seattle for six months. Applications are open now.
$1,000 question: Did the population bomb ever explode?
Paul Sabin's new book "The Bet" recounts an archetypal conflict between Paul Ehrlich and Julian Simon. On the line: $1,000 and the future of the planet.
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Geoengineering research: Never or now?
Maybe it's time to get serious about far-out planetary technofixes. Or maybe we'd just screw things up even more royally.