Articles by Scott Rosenberg
Scott Rosenberg was Grist's executive editor. He's the author of Say Everything and Dreaming in Code, founder of and co-founder of He covered technology for a decade and wrote theater and film reviews for another decade, and has yet to resolve the resulting left-brain/right-brain conflict.
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Grist spreads our new design’s wings
We rolled out our new look much more widely on our site. Let us know what you think!
Health-care reform: Collective solutions and the individualist tantrum
As the Supreme Court debates health-care reform, what's at stake? Our collective capacity to solve any of the big complex problems we face, that's what.
The new Climate Desk: Getting hotter
The Climate Desk collaborators -- Grist is one -- unveil a spiffy new website and welcome the Guardian into their ranks.
Help Grist build a Fast Green News Machine
We're planning a neat experiment in real-time news aggregation and cyborg journalism. But we can't do it without you!