Articles by Sarah van Schagen
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From Rodents to Rainforests
I’d put my acorns in those cheeks Squirrel sex is hot. So hot, in fact, that Canadian researchers are studying the relationship between global warming and the mating habits of […]
A celebration of all things H2O
Ahoy, me hearties! Arrrr you excited about World Water Day? Well ... arrrr ye?
Begad, mateys! Do tell me ye know what the fuss is all about? Why, today is the one day a year wherein we celebrate the briny (and non-briny) deep as we should all year. I daresay, 'tis the best holiday of 'em all. (OK, perhaps the second best.) So sing a chantey, grab a noggin of rum, and let's yo-ho-ho, if ye know what I mean.
Recognized formally for the first time in 1993, the World Day for Water was designated by the United Nations as a yearly commitment by member nations to devote time to implementing U.N. recommendations and promoting concrete activities related to water issues. Last year's World Water Day marked the start of the second "U.N. International Decade for Action: Water for Life." (During the first U.N. decade on water in 1981-1990, it's estimated that more than a billion people gained access to safe drinking water.)
Wanting to get in on all the U.N. action, NGOs have used the holiday to push for clean water and sustainable aquatic habitats (that'd be where the "something fishy" comes in). There are events going on everywhere, but one of the major haps is the 4th World Water Forum that's been going on in Mexico City since March 16. Held every three years by the World Water Council, these forums are international arenas for open dialogue on water-related policy-making. And, as you may have noticed (as pirates of the über-informed variety), there's always much buzz in the media about water issues during one of these forums -- which is exactly the idea, I suppose.
Even the godly have gotten involved in the water wars. The Ninth Assembly of the World Council of Churches has called on their religious brethren to "work together to preserve and protect water resources against over-consumption and pollution." Which totally makes sense, because What else Would Jesus Drink?
Seriously, though, ye lads and lassies, why all the ruckus about H2O?
From Portman to Polo
It’s better than Mickey Mouse Club Just when you think Natalie Portman can’t get any cuter without doing irreparable harm to the space-time continuum — she’s immune to bad hair […]
From Clubbin’ to Clubbing
Hellooo Kitty Looking for a bar where you can “strip down and drink in your undies” and save the earth? Say konnichiwa to Japan’s green sex clubs. Featuring recycled goods […]