Articles by Sarah van Schagen
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RFK Jr. addresses green building conference in Seattle
“[Americans are] probably the best entertained and least informed people in the world,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said Friday at the BuiltGreen Conference in Seattle, noting that we know more […]
From Mafia to Mushroom
Three cheats to the wind “Italy police arrest eight in Mafia wind farms plot.” And the climate takes another hit. Can you rig it? Oil rigs: The new wind farm […]
Washington's cap-and-trade legislation gutted by Senate committee
So remember how I was all "your days are numbered, pollutey companies of Washington state! mwahaha" because the cap-and-trade bill "whizzed" through the House committee? Yeah, I might have spoken too soon, because not so much with the Senate version.
The Committee on Environment, Water, and Energy yesterday passed a version of the bill that makes the program voluntary, which kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it? Still, hopeful enviros are quick to note that it's a "work in progress." Sigh.
From Orgasm to Oscar
Llama sutra Good: Making sex-toy deliveries by bike. Better: Promising to come within the hour. Best: Calling yourself the Kinky Llama. Oh you NASA boy Dear former Apollo astronaut/current climate-change […]