Articles by Sarah van Schagen
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Art exhibit highlights ecofriendly, recycled media
You may associate the phrase “leave no trace” with efforts to keep hikers from making their mark on nature, but a group of Seattle artists are co-opting the idea for […]
From Edge to Energy
Photo: Samira Khan via Flickr. On EdgeNeighbors of U2 guitarist The Edge are Malibu-hooing about his real estate plans that involve leveling One Tree Hill (and causing eco-worries in the […]
Hit the switch for Earth Hour this Saturday
CFLs everywhere will go dark Saturday night for the global Earth Hour event scheduled for 8:30 p.m. local time (wherever your locality happens to be). The aim of the annual […]
Seattle updates recycling rules
Seattle’s adding a fourth “R” to the “reduce, reuse, recycle” mantra: required. Starting Monday, all single-family homes in the city will be required to sign up (and pay) for food/yard-waste […]