Articles by Sarah Parsons
Sarah Parsons is a freelance writer and editor based in Washington, D.C. Her work has also appeared in Popular Science, GOOD, Audubon, OnEarth, Plenty,, and, among others.
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New research shows Big Tobacco targets black kids
Big Tobacco agreed way back in 1998 to stop marketing cigarettes to kids. Turns out cigarette companies are still up to their old tricks -- they’re just being slightly more stealth about it.
James Cameron wants to mine asteroids for precious metals. Seriously.
James Cameron is really starting to take his movies too seriously. Last month, the director descended the Mariana Trench in a submarine all beginning-of-Titanic style. Now Cameron and a bunch of other super-rich […]
Modern day Moby Dick? Check out this super rare, all-white killer whale
Researchers recently spotted what is believed to be the only all-white adult orca whale in existence.
Deadly tree disease could wipe out California’s citrus industry
Hide ya’ lemons, hide ya’ limes — a deadly disease is coming for California’s citrus trees. State ag experts recently found a tree that tested positive for Huanglongbing–and yes, it […]