Articles by Sarah Miller
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Dumb campaign by angry vegetarians got Taco Bell to pull this equally dumb ad
Taco Bell bowed to public pressure and removed an anti-veggie ad. Because people who eat Taco Bell would eat so many fresh vegetables if Taco Bell didn't make fun of them.
Adorable 10-year-old entrepreneur runs a business collecting recyclables on his bike
What did you do when you learned about Earth Day in school? Make a little diorama? Vanis Buckholz started a business. When he was 7.
Soon you’ll be able to print your own robot for $800
A French inventor named Gael Langevin is in the process of creating a robot that you can print out from a 3D printing machine.
Convertible heels let you handle all fashion situations with just one pair of shoes
A Canadian woman has invented a shoe with snap-on, interchangeable heels. It's a small step towards less stuff, less trash. And they're cute.