Articles by Sarah Laskow
Sarah Laskow is a reporter based in New York City who covers environment, energy, and sustainability issues, among other things.
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Critical List: Federally backed solar company closes; London drops carbon offset plan for Olympics
Solyndra, a solar company that had received more than $500 million in federally backed loan guarantees, is shutting down.
Vermont's still reeling from Irene.
Oklahoma lawmakers are looking for ways to block the Keystone XL pipeline locally.
The organizers of the 2012 London Olympics are dropping their plan to offset the Games' carbon emissions. Weak.
The greenest building on Earth
Workers broke ground this week in Seattle on a six-story building that will generate its own power, collect and reuse rainwater, compost its sewage, and depend on daylight instead of halogen lamps. Its owner, the Bullitt Foundation, which supports work in sustainability, set out to build the greenest building on Earth. We'd say they're earning that title.
Noise pollution ruins the sex life of tits
Pickup artists among the great tits (a species of bird, ok?) know how to get chicks: They sing at low frequencies just before females of their species begin laying eggs. It's a great technique! Unless they happen to be hanging out near sources of noise pollution, like highways, which force the tits to change their tune to a higher pitch so that the girls can hear their song in the first place.
But that's when things start going wrong.
Critical List: Biden stumps for clean energy; the magical green properties of concrete
"The biggest mistake this nation has made in its entire history" would be not to invest in clean energy, VP Joe Biden said yesterday at the National Clean Energy Summit 4.0
The Russian government just cut a deal with Exxon to look for oil in that country’s sector of the Arctic. The next day, Russia raided BP’s Moscow offices.
George Monbiot argues that fracking without regulation is insane.