Articles by Sarah K. Burkhalter
Sarah K. Burkhalter is Grist's project manager.
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A rundown of global sports organizations.
So, maybe you don't like soccer or biking. Maybe you're just saying, "Hey! Enough with the specifics! Give me something broad to sink my teeth into!"
Well, friend, you're in luck. Today we'll be overviewing the variety of committees, confederations, groups, and forums that focus on environment and sport. Because really, who knew there were so many?
The United Nations deemed 2005 the International Year of Sport and Physical Education, so I'm a year late on this blog post, but bear with me. We'll start off with the United Nations Environment Programme's Sport and Environment section, which pretty much says it all:
Sport is intimately connected to nature. A healthy environment is necessary for healthy sport. For many athletes, it is this intimacy with nature that motivates and inspires them.
Sports facilities, events, activities and the manufacture of sporting goods have an impact on the environment. Energy consumption, air pollution, emissions of greehouse gases and ozone-depleting substances, waste disposal, wastes use and impacts on biological diversity are all issues for the sporting world to address.Go team!
Green is the new everything these days.
I just received a bumper sticker from ecoAmerica declaring that "Green is Red White & Blue."
But wait, no, green is the new black.
No, green is the new red.
Green is the new blue.
I'm not sure what my point is. Maybe it's, damn people, get a new cliche (or is that an oxymoron?) Or maybe it's, I eagerly await the day when green is green. Not new. No need to be clever. Just infused in everything to the point that it's not even recognizable as green.
A bit of late-Friday philosophy.
Crime goes up with temperature, says a new study.
You're constantly inundated with information about global warming wreaking havoc on wildlife, plants, oceans, human health, and everything else unfortunate enough to be under our sun. Do you feel angry? Does it just make you want to punch or steal or shoot something?
Well, it could be less your reaction to the news and more just the warming weather itself. A new study by Canadian criminal psychologist Ehor Boyanowsky posits that crime rises in correlation with temperature.
Lance is out, green is in
Yes, I am aware that Lance Armstrong is no longer riding in the Tour de France. Yes, I am aware that he is, in fact, retired. (And yes, I am […]