Articles by Sarah K. Burkhalter
Sarah K. Burkhalter is Grist's project manager.
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Air doing OK, say officials; water, perhaps not so much
Beijing officials were recently accused of falsifying statistics and manipulating data to make the city’s air pollution seems less of a problem in the run-up to the Summer Olympics. Unsurprisingly, […]
Roger Clemens doesn’t know what a vegan is
This is a couple of weeks old, but it is still awesome:
Various items of sporting significance
Gather into the huddle for your sporting update! The news on Beijing 2008: Six green activists will carry the Olympic torch as it journeys through Thailand on its way to […]
From Bottle to Bikini
Cork tease Attention oenophiles: Korks 4 Kids wants your cork. Big corks, little corks — size doesn’t matter. Your cork will go places you never imagined, until you get that […]