Articles by Sarah Goodyear
Sarah Goodyear has written about cities for a variety of publications, including Grist and Streetsblog. She lives in Brooklyn. She's also on Twitter.
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Bus Rapid Transit: a transit fast track without the track
As Dave Roberts pointed out in his post earlier today, if this country has any hope of getting serious about energy security, we’re going to have to get serious about […]
The drugstore chains that ate America’s suburbs [VIDEO]
What is the fabric of the modern American community? Well, a big part of it consists of an endless parade of chain drugstores selling the kind of stuff chain drugstores […]
Breaking: George Will takes the train, may have been collectivized
Its power is spreading.Photo: travisA few weeks back, as we wrote here, Newsweek columnist George Will wrote a screed against rail travel in which he made a startling suggestion about […]
‘The beauty of just getting on your bike’ [VIDEO]
The other night I had the good fortune of going to a meetup of bikers and bikers who blog in New York. The evening very specifically was not about the […]