Articles by Sarah Goodyear
Sarah Goodyear has written about cities for a variety of publications, including Grist and Streetsblog. She lives in Brooklyn. She's also on Twitter.
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Standing to reason: Do non-believers need temples, too?
Writer Alain de Botton wants to erect a 150-foot monument to atheism. With the religious right co-opting our secular spaces, why not create a little sacred space for the profane?
Tea Party mayor gets spanked for rejecting public transit
Last fall, the mayor of a leafy Detroit suburb led the fight against that darkest of evils: trains! But when the local business community lashed back, the Tea Partiers beat a hasty retreat, raising more questions about their ability to lead.
Bloomberg: Mayors hold key to climate change progress
“As mayors — the great pragmatists of the world’s stage and directly responsible for the well-being of the majority of the world’s people — we don’t have the luxury of […]
Locked out: Where is Occupy Wall Street without Zuccotti Park?
Protesters gathered this afternoon at 6th Avenue and Canal Street.Photo: Sarah GoodyearI woke up this morning to the news that the occupation of Zuccotti Park had been ended, and my […]