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Articles by Sara Schwartz

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Put down your carnitas burrito and give a side-eye to your soda. Chipotle has been sneaking GMOs into its “non-GMO” menu offerings — or at least, that’s what a recent class action lawsuit claims.

Back in late April, Chipotle announced that it was “G-M-Over It,” rolling out a marketing campaign that declared the restaurant chain would only use “non-GMO ingredients.”

“When it comes to our food, genetically modified ingredients don’t make the cut,” read advertisements for the fast-casual chain. (You’ll probably recall that the media reacted quite critically and wasted no time in lambasting the company.)

Apparently, consumers in California were equally dubious. In her class action lawsuit filed last week in federal court in San Francisco, lead plaintiff Colleen Gallagher of Piedmont, Calif., alleges that Chipotle deceived customers into paying more for its food and violated the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with its false and misleading food labeling.

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of California consumers who bought food from Chipotle after April 27, 2015, says that the advertising campaign is deceptive and misleading because ... Read more