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Articles by Reporter, HuffPost Sanjana Karanth

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This story was originally published by HuffPost and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

Los Angeles just launched its very own Green New Deal, setting up the second-largest city in the country to have a carbon-neutral economy by 2050.

“Politicians in Washington don’t have to look across the aisle in Congress to know what a Green New Deal is ― they can look across the country, to Los Angeles,” Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a statement Monday.

There is no greater threat to our security, to our economic growth, to the survival of future generations than #ClimateChange. I’m announcing #GreenNewDealLA to lay out an aggressive plan to not just survive global warming, but to ensure that L.A. thrives.

— Mayor Karen Bass (@MayorOfLA) April 30, 2019

The city’s Green New Deal is an aggressive expansion of the Sustainable City pLAn the mayor created in 2015 to reflect more recent environmental studies that have shown the need for rapid and more radical solutions to combat climate change.

Garcetti was among the handful of mayors and governors... Read more

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