Articles by Samantha Larson
Samantha Larson is a science nerd, adventure enthusiast, and former Grist fellow. Follow her on Twitter.
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Oklahoma hit by eight earthquakes in two days. Is the fracking industry to blame?
Last year, Oklahoma's quake activity was more than 5,000 percent greater than normal. Underground injection of fracking wastewater might be the cause.
John Oliver’s Antarctic tourism PSA: “Stick your d*ck in a freezer” instead
Antarctic tourists are trampling the place, which is why John Oliver's begging you not to go.
Easy tip for biking in a skirt: Put a penny in yo’ pants
These women love bikes as much as they love skirts -- and don't think the two need to be mutually exclusive.
What type of environmentalist are you?
Medium Chill Pragmatist? Eco Yuppie? Traditional Treehugger? Take our quiz to find out!