Articles by Samantha Larson
Samantha Larson is a science nerd, adventure enthusiast, and former Grist fellow. Follow her on Twitter.
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Fracking operations get even closer to drinking water sources than we thought
A new study reports that oil and gas companies frack at much shallower depths than they want you to know -- and much closer to water you might want to drink some day.
America’s favorite nut is bad for water, good for cows
U.S. almond demand has grown by more than 220 percent since 2005.
The U.S. firefighting budget is almost gone, but the forests are still burning
We're throwing so much money at fighting wildfires, there will be little left over for prevention.
Don’t worry, Californians can paint their dead lawns green
Now that Californians can get fined $500-a-day for overwatering their lawns, businesses that paint lawns green are expanding.