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Articles by Roz Savage

Roz Savage is a British ocean rower, author, motivational speaker and environmental campaigner. After 11 years working as a management consultant, she embarked on a new life direction - in a rowboat. In 2005 she rowed solo across the Atlantic, and is now attempting to become the first woman to row solo across the Pacific, from San Francisco to Australia. She has completed Stage 1 (2008, to Hawaii) and Stage 2 (2009, to Kiribati). The final stage takes place in 2010. She is a UN Climate Hero, a presenter for the Climate Project, and an Athlete Ambassador for She has been listed amongst the Top 20 Great British Adventurers by the Daily Telegraph, and the Top 10 Adventure Twitters by Outside Magazine. She is the author of "Rowing The Atlantic: Lessons Learned on the Open Ocean," published in the U.S. by Simon & Schuster.

Featured Article

Here are the stats on our walk from Big Ben to Brussels: 3 countries, 15 days, 250 miles, an estimated 500,000 steps. Me and 4 footsore, fantastic friends.

Our final day seemed almost too easy. We woke up with less than 10 miles to go, and had to dawdle along to allow the camera crew time to film us. Walking slowly was surprisingly hard after 2 weeks on the road we had settled into a natural rhythm, and to slow down was at least as hard as walking faster would have been.

We ended as we had begun, in the rain. To slow ourselves down we stopped for several breaks along the way, including a coffee break in one of Brussels’ more elegant hotels. Think W Hotels (U.S.) or the Sanderson (London) and imagine five little orange people traipsing across the achingly chic reception into the bar, dripping rainwater and shedding mud as they go. Yup, we were about as welcome as pork pies at a bar mitzvah.

The waiter sniffed disdainfully as we deposited our backpacks and skis on the floor and settled ourselves gratefully into their elegant armchairs. Belatedly, and with a sigh of resignation, he finally deigned to take our order. Supermodels and smart businessmen looke... Read more

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