Articles by RL Miller
RL Miller is an attorney, climate/enviro blogger, runner, quilter, keeper of chickens. If you hate the terms climate zombies and oilpocalypse, blame RL Miller.
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Stupid goes viral: Deep in the heart of Climate Zombieland
In Texas, home of the oil industry, the existence of climate zombies is hardly a shock. But just how badly is Texas infected with climate zombies?
Stupid goes viral: Climate Zombies in Iowa, Missouri, Utah, Vermont, and Washington
I'm tracking Climate Zombies: every Republican candidate for House, Senate, and Governor who claims that global warming is a hoax, doubts the science of climate change, and wants a new Dark Ages for America.
Stupid goes viral: The Climate Zombies of the new GOP
Virtually all Republican congressional candidates criticize what they call "cap-and-tax," but how many actually deny climate change science? A lot.