Articles by Randy Rieland
Randy Rieland is a writer who lives in Washington, D.C., but tries to spend as many weekends as possible at his cottage in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia. He also actually remembers the first Earth Day. You can email him at randy.rieland[at]gmail[dot]com.
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Fear of job losses and oil-industry incompetence feed debate over drilling freeze
A stormy debate is brewing over the offshore drilling moratorium.On Monday, the Obama administration unveiled its do-over plan to temporarily stop deepwater drilling. On Tuesday, the heads of the commission […]
Ads aim to humanize climate scientists, but are they doing enough to make themselves more lovable?
Do the new ads from the Union of Concerned Scientists make climate scientists more huggable? Climate scientists smeared in the “Climategate” spectacle have been cleared of wrongdoing in one investigation […]
Seven reasons BP would like to forget last weekend
It’s been 81 days since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank in the Gulf.Photo: U.S. Coast GuardIt should have been a good weekend for BP. Its latest plan to […]
10 weird green news stories flying under your radar
Enough with all the heat wave blather and depressing analysis of the ever-shrinking climate bill. Here are 10 enviro stories you may have missed this week: Green on me: China […]