Articles by Randy Rieland
Randy Rieland is a writer who lives in Washington, D.C., but tries to spend as many weekends as possible at his cottage in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia. He also actually remembers the first Earth Day. You can email him at randy.rieland[at]gmail[dot]com.
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New W.Va. senator won’t help climate bill — and maybe nothing else will either
West Virginia’s new senator, Carte Goodwin (D)Senate Democrats get a little of their groove back today when a replacement for the late Sen. Robert Byrd (W. Va.) is sworn in. […]
The next phase of the Gulf oil disaster: lawyers and lobbyists descend
Watch out: They’re coming …We’ve gone from a gush to a seep in the Gulf. Sounds like progress. But in some ways, things are only beginning to get oily. This […]
Ten green stories you probably missed this week
The big story of the week, of course, is that BP, after almost three miserable months, may have finally stopped its Gulf gusher. (Emphasis on “may.”) But chances are you […]
The BP dirty dozen: 12 videos that make you almost miss Tony Hayward
While waiting, once again, to see if BP’s latest plan to plug its Gulf gusher will work, we decided to amuse ourselves by taking a look back at the lighter […]