Articles by Randy Rieland
Randy Rieland is a writer who lives in Washington, D.C., but tries to spend as many weekends as possible at his cottage in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia. He also actually remembers the first Earth Day. You can email him at randy.rieland[at]gmail[dot]com.
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So what happens when you dump 2 million gallons of toxic chemicals into the ocean?
Democrats were skeptical on Capitol Hill as senators heard sunny testimony about the whereabouts of all that Gulf oil and the impact of the Corexit that was used to disperse it. Meanwhile, longtime Gulf fisherman are alarmed by the strange sights they're seeing out there on the fishing grounds. Said one: "All the sea life is trying to get out of the water."
The spill may be killed, but bad news still plagues BP
BP's "static kill" seems to have sealed the Deepwater Horizon leak. The leak may be plugged, but the bad news gushes on.
Fossil fuels keep getting the breaks
Leaders at G20 vowed to phase out oil subsidies. They might as well have vowed to end world hunger, because that is one huge rock to push up the hill
EPA takes center stage on climate action, gears up to battle Big Coal
Cap-and-trade's death means any federal effort to limit emissions rests with the EPA. Not shockingly, EPA has become the whipping boy of politicians.