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Articles by Ploy Achakulwisut

Ploy Achakulwisut is a PhD candidate in Earth & Planetary Sciences at Harvard, using global models to study atmospheric chemistry and climate interactions. She's also a student coordinator of Harvard Faculty for Divestment and a SustainUS youth delegate to the 2014 U.N. Climate Change Conference in Peru.

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LIMA, Peru — Though fossil fuel companies may wave their hands dismissively at the divestment movement, some nervous actions of late show more concern than they let on. Consider this curious incident here in Lima, as the United Nations climate talks entered their second week. Shell’s chief climate change advisor was slated to present a panel, cosponsored by Chevron, entitled, “Why Divest from Fossil Fuels When a Future with Low-Emission Fossil Energy Use Is Already a Reality?” Except … they didn’t. Late last week, the title was quietly changed to the more innocuous, “How Can We Reconcile Climate Targets with Energy Demand Growth?”

It must have been done in a hurry because they forgot to change the web address for the event page.

The title change did nothing to placate the frontline community members and youth climate activists who flooded the event. Panelists found themselves blocked out for half an hour from the private pavilion of the International Emissions Trading Association, which is sponsored by the likes of Shell and Chevron.

Geoffrey Supran

Shell’s sponsorship of the d... Read more