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Articles by Philip Radford

Philip Radford is the executive director of Greenpeace USA.

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Peter Willcox has seen nearly everything. In 1985, he was captain of the Rainbow Warrior when French agents bombed it, killing one of the crew. He and I witnessed first hand the impacts of the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster in the Gulf. But he’s never seen the inside of a Russian jail, until now. Captain Willcox is one of the 30 Greenpeace crew, activists and volunteers who has been held for over 100 hours by armed Russian security services after taking part in a safe, peaceful protest against Arctic oil drilling.


This incident is unfolding against the backdrop of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fifth assessment, released today, which confirms at the highest levels the “unequivocal” role of human activity in climate change. The facts from the world’s leading climate scientists prove the actions of these international activists were justified.

Instead of taking action to curb this catastrophe, companies like Gazprom, Shell, ExxonMobil and BP intend to drill for oil in parts of the Arctic ocean where warming temperatures have melted the ice and created large areas o... Read more

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