Articles by Paul Gipe
Paul Gipe is an author, advocate, and renewable energy industry analyst. His latest book is Wind Energy Basics.
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Conservative French Government again proposes higher solar PV tariffs
For the second time within twelve months the French Government of conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy has proposed raising the feed-in tariff for solar PV in the coming year. The new […]
China launches differentiated wind energy tariffs
China has instituted a new system of differentiated wind energy tariffs based on four wind energy zones. The move is the first in Asia since South Korea implemented a feed-in […]
Vermont feed-in tariffs become law
Vermont’s feed-in tariff legislation became law at the end of business on May 27, 2009. H. 446 is the first legislation calling for a full system of advanced renewable tariffs […]
An ideological breakthrough on feed-in tariffs in Britain
In a startling reversal, Britain’s Labour government has put on the table a feed-in tariff proposal for “microgeneration.” The proposed feed-in tariffs will pay homeowners, farmers, and community groups for […]