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Articles by Osha Gray Davidson

Osha Gray Davidson has been an investigative reporter for 25 years and is the author of six books of nonfiction. He publishes the online journal The Phoenix Sun covering solar power.

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  • Salazar cowboys-up to fight global warming

    With all eco-eyes focused on the action (or, more properly, inaction) on a climate bill, other critical components of a clean energy economy can be overlooked. That was the case on Monday as the dominant news story concerned speculation about whether Republican members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works would show up […]

  • A solar energy future: Maybe you can get there from here

    Almost anything that happens in our nation’s capital can be explained by a quote from Alice in Wonderland. Usually, that’s a bad thing. In the case of the Solar Technology Roadmap Act which the U.S. House of Representatives passed last week, however, invoking Alice is all for the good. Lost in a land where nothing […]

  • On gaming the political spectrum

    He’s been called a lot of things, but …If Bill Gates visited a homeless shelter with nine people, the Washington Post would predictably report on a gathering of tycoons with an average net worth of $123 million. Why do I say that? Read this from today’s WaPo: Tony Kreindler, spokesman for the advocacy group Environmental […]

  • Portland’s newest high-rise has wind turbines on the roof

    The cermonial urban-turbine installation.indigo12west.comTwo weeks ago in Portland, Oregon, a new 23-story building added something you don’t usually see in an urban setting: a series of four Skystream wind turbines, with a total capacity of 9.6kW. There are several reasons why wind turbines are a rarity atop highrises — beyond the obvious one: our power […]