Articles by Margaret Swink
Margaret Swink manages communications for the forest programs at Rainforest Action Network.
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Protecting the rainforests: Are we there yet?
COPENHAGEN — Many of us who are here reading the text drafts, talking to ministers and following the negotiations were a bit surprised to read in the New York Times […]
Will Copenhagen save the rainforests?
In the midst of decreasing expectations over a global climate deal, saving forests has been held out as the one thing that might be achieved over the next two weeks […]
Gucci Group commits to saving Indonesia’s rainforests
Photo: Shi! There’s a new fashion trend this fall: saving Indonesian rainforests. The Gucci Group, the prestigious conglomerate of fashion and luxury brands that owns Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, […]
Bangkok, Day 5: Breaking News: Forests do not naturally grow in straight lines
Forest negotiations recently have been featuring a lot of talk about something called “sustainable forest management,” or in climate policy parlance, SFM. Because it contains the word “sustainable,” this term […]