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Articles by Lisa Hymas

Lisa Hymas is director of the climate and energy program at Media Matters for America. She was previously a senior editor at Grist.

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  • Small steps made, but no real plan for post-2012

    The international climate conference in Nairobi just wrapped up, and it sounds like it was a bit of a yawn. As expected, no exciting progress or big future plans.

    Of course, progress is in the eye of the beholder, as we see in three different articles from MSM sources:

    Alister Doyle and Gerard Wynn for Reuters:

    U.N. climate talks keep Kyoto on track, but scant progress

    Environment Ministers kept plans for widening a U.N.-led fight against global warming beyond 2012 on track on Friday amid criticism of scant progress in aiding Africa and confronting wrenching climate change.

    After two weeks of negotiations in Nairobi, about 70 ministers agreed to review Kyoto in 2008 in what many see as a prelude to widening a 35-industrial nation pact to outsiders such as China and India in the longer term.

    It also agreed to aid Africa obtain funds for clean energies such as wind and hydro power. But delegates had mixed views on the outcome of the talks.

  • Watchdog group files complaint with USDA

    Wal-Mart has been mislabeling non-organic food items as organic, charges the Cornucopia Institute in a complaint filed with the USDA. Reports the AP:

  • Snow says Bush has made climate a priority. Yeah, right.

    "[T]he President has made dealing with climate change a priority for this administration," said White House Press Secretary Tony Snow at yesterday's briefing.

    Meanwhile, a German group has ranked 56 nations according to their efforts to fight climate change. Yes, look way down the list [PDF]:  

  • Some expected and key wins for Dems and enviros

    Four governors' races with notable environmental angles have gone to the greener-leaning Dems, as expected.  

    New York: Eliot Spitzer (D) pummeled John Faso (R)
    Pennsylvania: Ed Rendell (D) trounced Lynn Swann (R)
    Ohio: Ted Strickland (D) whipped Ken Blackwell (R)
    Massachusetts: Deval Patrick (D) beat Kerry Healey (R)

    Background on enviro angles here and here. Race results here.