Articles by Lisa Hymas
Lisa Hymas is director of the climate and energy program at Media Matters for America. She was previously a senior editor at Grist.
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Hey, enviros, greens, climate hawks — we all need to stand up for Planned Parenthood
A society is not sustainable if women don’t have basic control over their fertility. That’s just fundamental, a no-brainer. So the ongoing Republican assault war blitzkrieg on women’s reproductive rights […]
Hey, Tina Fey, one kid is OK — and greener too
“Don’t even ask.” Photo: George ArriolaThe ever-entertaining Tina Fey has a piece in the latest New Yorker on my designated topic of the week: whether to have more than one kid. […]
The only kids are alright: Good reasons to consider stopping at one child
This only kid is A-OK.Photo: Omar GurnahSnooki of MTV’s Jersey Shore is immature, whiny, and self-involved — in other words, your typical reality-show star. But a New York Times article […]
Care about population? About women? Then you should care that GOP is taking aim at family planning
Deficit-peacock Republicans in the House don’t want to make any cuts at all to the budgets of the Pentagon or the Department of Homeland Security, but they’re delighted to completely […]