Articles by Lisa Hymas
Lisa Hymas is director of the climate and energy program at Media Matters for America. She was previously a senior editor at Grist.
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Come and get your Endangered Species Condoms
The Center for Biological Diversity wants to give away 100,000 Endangered Species Condoms this fall. Wanna help?
I am the population problem
Population growth tends to get blamed on other people. But actually the population problem is all about me: white, middle-class, American me.
7 billion in 7 minutes: Science magazine explains it all [VIDEO]
"Science" magazine took the good bits from its recent special issue on population and squished them into this handy video.
What you don’t know about women, climate change, and population [VIDEO]
Here's a population angle you might not have considered before: Family planning can help women adapt to climate change that's already happening.