Articles by Lisa Hymas
Lisa Hymas is director of the climate and energy program at Media Matters for America. She was previously a senior editor at Grist.
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Greens and big biz
"Green movement is big business," declares the headline of a Reuters article this week.
The concept recalls Mac Chapin's ruckus-causing article in World Watch on conflicts of interest at the three big conservation groups, as mentioned by Geoff last week. (A fascinating read, by the way -- I may never think of the Big Three the same way again.)
Green Bay Backers
The New York Times editorial page today waded into the mucky controversy over pollution of Indonesia's Buyat Bay by the Colorado-based Newmont Mining Corp., the world's biggest plunderer -- oops, I mean producer -- of gold. The Times' Jane Perlez has covered this saga -- which has involved, among other exciting bits, jail time for mining execs, high-stakes lawsuits, dueling scientific reports, and birth deformities -- more comprehensively than any other reporters, to my knowledge (see here and here).
Hydrogen girlie man?
Schwarzenegger blusters on about building a Hydrogen Highway in "the great state of California," but little ol' D.C. has beat him to the punch on one key front. This week, the District of Columbia became host to the first hydrogen-dispensing pump at a public gas station in North America.
Green-leaning folks may or may not think the hydrogen revolution is an admirable or even attainable goal, but it seems to be inching forward nonetheless. Or, considering the fact that the new Shell-owned pump will be servicing a mere six demonstration minivans owned by GM, millimetering forward?
D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams could take a few lessons from Arnold on enthusiasm, though. "This is a good thing, unless I'm missing something," was the most effusive praise he could muster at the opening bash for the new pump.
For all those remaining undecideds …
Judd Legum and The Nation have pithily summarized nine of Bush's most egregious environmental offenses (as well as 91 non-environmental ones):