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Articles by Laurie Mazur

Laurie Mazur is the editor for the Kresge Foundation/Island Press Urban Resilience Project, which is working to advance a holistic, transformative approach to urban resilience in the era of climate change, grounded in a commitment to sustainability and equity. Laurie has written extensively about gender, health, and environment issues.

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Clockwise, from top left: Angela Adrar, Charles Ellison, Cecilia Martinez, Denise Abdul-Rahman, Elizabeth Yeampierre.

These are challenging times for environmental justice — at least at the federal level. Earlier this month, Mustafa Ali, who led environmental justice work at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, resigned rather than preside over the dismantling of his program.

To understand the prospects for environmental justice work in Trump’s America, we gathered (by phone) an impressive cadre of leaders from across the country:

Denise Abdul-Rahman, environmental climate justice chair for NAACP Indiana in Indianapolis; Angela Adrar, executive director of the Our Power Campaign and Climate Justice Alliance in Washington, D.C.; Cecilia Martinez, cofounder and director of research programs at the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy in Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Elizabeth Yeampierre, executive director of UPROSE in Brooklyn, New York.

Charles Ellison, contributing politics editor for and founding principal of B|E Strategy, moderated the conversation.

Q. Ellison: In the Trump era, the prospects for progress on environmental justice at the federal level seem rather grim. But even in this political landscape, there’s discussion about building alterna... Read more

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