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Articles by Larry Greenemeier

Larry Greenemeier is a Brooklyn, N.Y.-based business and technology journalist.

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As the traditional logging industry deals with unsteady prices and the challenges of globalization, the value of a new crop is coming to light: trees hidden under reservoirs, long given up for lost.

Sawn, but not forgotten.

Photo: Triton Logging Inc.

While no exact count of these “rediscovered” forests — which are being logged primarily in North and South America, Russia, and Malaysia — seems to exist, one estimate puts it at about 200 million trees, a global supply worth about $40 billion. These watery woods have been preserved by cold water and protected from rot and insect infestation. The resulting high-quality timber is highly sought after, especially by craftspeople.

Barges and divers have long gone after both standing trees and abandoned, sunken logs, but now a new technology is upping the ante, allowing more submerged trees to be cut more quickly. Proponents — including those developing the new high-tech method — say underwater harvests could help the planet, since they “spare” healthy forests in favor of the dead. Others contend the waterlogged trees are... Read more