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Articles by Kristin Eberhard

Kristin Eberhard is the legal director of NRDC's Western energy and climate projects.

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Apparently, it’s not enough that fossil fuel conglomerates are fighting implementation of AB 32, California’s landmark clean energy bill that will create thousands of jobs, pump up R&D on cleantech, slash global warming pollution, and put the state on the cutting edge of the global clean energy economy. Now Texas and three other states with attorneys general beholden to Dirty Oil and Big Coal have jumped on the high carbon bandwagon, vowing to sue California as a last-ditch effort to kill AB 32. 

Proponents of clean energy and jobs are already battling Proposition 23, a stalking horse ballot initiative funded by out-of-state oil companies Valero and Tesoro and the billionaire Koch brothers that would suspend implementation of AB 32 indefinitely. Though Proposition 23 is deceptively touted as a “jobs protection” bill, its real goal is to keep California dependent on fossil fuels and to keep profits pouring into the coffers of those polluting corporations that don’t care about sacrificing California’s health and clean air standards.

Now attorneys general (AG’s are not part of the administration in California — ... Read more

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