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Articles by Kristen Bartoloni

Kristen Bartoloni is a researcher at Center for American Progress. Prior to joining CAP, Kristen worked at EMILY's List as a fact checker and researcher for the 2010 campaign cycle. Previously, she worked on Terry McAuliffe's 2009 campaign for Virginia governor and on Jeanne Shaheen's successful 2008 U.S. Senate campaign. A New York native, Kristen graduated from American University with a bachelor’s degree in law and society and a minor in women's and gender studies.

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Rep. Mike Pompeo.Cross-posted from the Wonk Room.

Last night, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) proposed an amendment to the Continuing Resolution that would “sharply cut funding for an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program that collects data on industrial greenhouse gas emissions.” The $8.4 million cut would leave funding for the registry at $3.2 million, unless the EPA shifts funds from another program to the registry.

Toeing a fine line between conspiracy theorist and Koch Industries profit protector, Pompeo took the house floor where “he called the registry part of an EPA plot to destroy U.S. jobs“:

EPA would, I am sure, tell you that they are simply collecting a little bit of data on greenhouse gases, that this registry is simply a very innocent effort to learn a little bit more about who is emitting greenhouse gases — who or what.

But this data is the very foundation of the EPA’s effort to pursue its radical anti-jobs agenda. Indeed, continuing the greenhouse gas registry at currently funded levels will permit the EPA regulatory nose inside the job-destroying tent. We cannot head down this path.

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