Articles by Ken Ward
Ken Ward is a climate campaigner and carpenter whose work can be see here.
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9 damned good reasons why some U.S. environmentalists should heartily oppose Waxman-Markey
Too bad we live in interesting times, it requires much more work. I just read a comment from Randy Cunningham, who said he was torn between supporting Waxman-Markey, based on […]
350 vs. 450: The heart of the matter
There has never been a civic dispute as precisely quantified as climate. Most U.S. environmental organizations endorse the Waxman-Markey climate bill with the stated goal of keeping atmospheric greenhouse gases […]
Fighting climate chaos with a hammer and a heart
The intro question for the first gathering of activists in Massachusetts early this month was, “How do you feel, personally, about climate change?” Having worked on the agenda, I […]
Why do U.S. environmentalists remain irrationally committed to a losing strategy?
Watching the remains of a movement strain our every organizational fiber to advance a climate bill we know is a travesty reminds me of G.K. Chesterton’s observation about sex: the […]