Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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Obama puts political capital on passage of climate bill
President Obama laid a significant chunk of his political capital on the table on Thursday, calling on House members to support the climate and energy bill that will go to […]
Seeking a tougher climate bill, green groups set eyes on the Senate
Update: The House on Friday passed the Waxman-Markey bill, 219 to 212. The story below was written ahead of that vote, but its focus on how environmental groups hope to […]
Climate bill might get a vote this week after all
The American Clean Energy and Security Act might get a vote in the House this week after all. The House Committee on Rules posted the bill on its website late […]
White House refuses to disclose information on meetings with coal executives
Is the White House taking a page from Dick Cheney’s playbook by refusing to disclose who’s visiting the West Wing to lobby on energy and climate issues? Much like the […]