Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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The House of Reps leads the way to a greener capitol
The Hill’s alive with the sound of greening. Or at least, it should be, as soon as our representatives start following through with their “Green the Capitol” initiative, the final […]
Nike or Adidas? Google or Yahoo? Scorecard helps shoppers pick.
Stepping back for a second from the fact that they all churn out unhealthy food and are a general blight upon society, which fast-food joint has the most cred on […]
EWG takes a look at how sunscreens stack up
As the summer sun starts to heat up in Seattle, I’ve been wondering what sort of environmentally sound sunscreen options are out there to protect my pale, pale flesh from […]
On green dating for the low-budget environmentalist
I know, I know. Long time, no Brokeass. Weeks. Months even. See, I got a second job, which has somewhat lessened my brokassity, but also cut back on the amount […]