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Articles by Justin Pidot

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The discussion of Massachusetts v. EPA is well underway thanks to David’s summary of the action. I’m going to provide some thoughts about each of the three issues involved in the case, as well as some of the possible implications.

The outcome of Mass. v. EPA boils down to one thing: the Supreme Court has ordered EPA to think again. While that may not sound like much, in the world of administrative law, it is a total rout for the Bush administration.

While the outcome is good news, this decision was as close as they come. I’m not surprised that the Court split 5 to 4 on the issue of standing. However, this divide extended to all three questions before the court.

First, a quick refresher on the three issues:

Did the petitioners (that’s Mass., the other states, and the environmental groups) have standing to file suit? Does EPA have the authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act? Did EPA properly decide not to regulate even if it has authority?


This was the question that kept many of us interested in environmental law up at night. Nothing like tossing and turning, wondering if Massachuset... Read more

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  • Justices agree to hear Defenders of Wildlife case

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    Setting the Stage

    The case, Defenders of Wildlife v. EPA, also implicates the Clean Water Act (CWA). Under the CWA, a would-be polluter needs to get a permit before it discharges into our nation's waters. The CWA requires that the federal government delegate permitting authority to the states, if they meet a number of requirements.

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  • Do federal courts have jurisdiction in Massachusetts v. EPA?

    As the court-watchers (or even dabblers) amongst you are aware, the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court seemed preoccupied with the issue of standing during the recent oral argument in Massachusetts v. EPA. This debate has echoed in the blogosphere.

    • Jonathan Adler argues, both on Volokh Conspiracy (it's a bit buried) and in an amicus brief (PDF), that global warming causes nonjusticiable, generalized injuries.
    • Grist's own David Roberts questions whether a court order can provide Massachusetts with any relief.
    • The Sierra Club's Executive Director, Carl Pope, believes that an adverse standing decision would have an enormous negative impact on environmental litigation.

    In this post, I'm going to try to break down the arguments a little.