Articles by Joseph Romm
Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
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Saudis want aid if world cuts oil use
Let’s call it The Audacity of hOPEC. AP reported last week: Saudi Arabia has led a quiet campaign during these and other negotiations — demanding behind closed doors that oil-producing […]
Murkowski praises Kerry-Boxer
The climate train is leaving the station. It is becoming increasingly likely Congress will pass a comprehensive energy bill that includes a shrinking cap and a rising carbon price (with […]
Brazil offer to reduce deforestation by 80%
This is really the first year since the launch in 2006 that the blog seems appropriately named! AFP reports: President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Tuesday he will offer […]
BBC misses hottest decade on record
Existential question of the day: How can Paul Hudson’s byline be “Climate correspondent, BBC News” when his ‘reporting‘ doesn’t correspond to the climate, which continues to warm? It is tiresome […]