Articles by Joseph Romm
Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
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Baucus: 'No doubt' that climate change legislation will pass
Contrary to reports from many in the media, the prospects for a climate bill are as good as ever now that the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has finished its work.
One error retracted, 99 to go
Superfreaknomics authors will, in future editions, correct their claim that Caldeira believes “carbon dioxide is not the right villain”
El Niño-driven sea surface temperatures are soaring.
Last week I noted that the weak El Niño appears to be strengthening, as expected, so record temperatures will continue. The warming in the Nino 3.4 region of the Pacific […]
One year after his election, Obama on verge of audaciously fulfilling his promise as the green FDR
Future historians will inevitably judge all 21st-century presidents on just two issues: global warming and the clean energy transition. If the world doesn’t stop catastrophic climate change then all presidents, […]