Articles by Joseph Romm
Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
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Will global warming ruin football in the South?
In a hotter world, watching and playing football outdoors in the South will be almost unbearable.
Bill Gates wants to solve hunger caused by climate change with GMOs
Gates has done his research on the problems climate change is already causing for the global food supply. But he thinks more GMOs, not holistic, soil-based climate change mitigation, is the answer.
Natural gas: A bridge to nowhere
Natural gas might have been a "bridge fuel" to a low-carbon future 30 years ago, but today it does little to solve the climate problem, especially without a price on carbon.
On cleantech, no Newt is good Newt
No single politician since Ronald Reagan has done more to set back America’s leadership in clean technology than Newt Gingrich.