Articles by Joseph Romm
Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
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Saudi Arabian reserves overstated by 40 percent, global production plateau imminent
That we are close to a peak in global oil production should not be a surprise to anyone, but some leaked documents have made the situation even clearer, as the […]
Reagan helped save the ozone layer but ruined America’s leadership in clean energy
The clean energy “culprit in chief.”Sunday was the 100th anniversary of President Reagan’s birth. As ThinkProgress points out, the right-wing hagiography of the Gipper leaves out the fact that he […]
'Climatopolis' by Matthew Kahn is not a good book
Climatopolis has a deeply flawed main thesis. The author just doesn't know what he's talking about because he hasn't done his homework.
The failed presidency of Barack Obama, post-election edition
Future generations will judge us with unimaginable harshness for our failure to address the coming global catastrophe, and justifiably so.