Articles by Joseph Romm
Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
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"The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is accelerating super-exponentially.”
Cross-posted at Climate Progress. UPDATE: I had a good conversation with the co-author Didier Sornette. This was a draft analysis: They made a numerical mistake in one of the footnotes […]
Still giving lessons in how not to communicate
The White House is just lousy at messaging across the board, as I and others have noted many times. Obama also seems to have bad luck. He endorsed offshore drilling […]
Monster Russian heat wave to be once-in-a-decade event by 2060s (or sooner)
Simulated frequency of occurrence of western Russia temperature extremes for 30-year overlapping periods. Shown are time series for exceedance values of 3, 4, 5 and 6o316 C…. Insert shows the […]
What will the Japan disaster mean for U.S. nuclear power?
The Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant is several miles from a seismic fault.Photo: MaryaCNN just published an opinion piece that I wrote with Richard Caperton, a policy analyst at the […]