Articles by Joseph Romm
Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
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If New York Times can’t tell the global warming story (twice!), how will the public hear it?
The signs of global warming are everywhere. Coming back from my Vail conference to Denver, the driver pointed out to me the shocking devastation the state is now experiencing from […]
Chu: U.S. needs to be the Wayne Gretzky of clean energy
In the first half of his Sunday interview after the passage of the Waxman-Markey bill, Obama said he was confident the Senate will pass the climate and clean energy bill. […]
In case you thought passing a climate bill was easy: “Chaos, arm-twisting gave Pelosi win̶
Judging by emails and comments, many progressives and enviros seem to be under the misimpression that a much tougher climate bill was politically possible. I myself was under that misimpression […]
U.S.-Russia climate and energy efficiency cooperation: A neglected challenge
Enhancing cooperation on climate change and energy efficiency should be a major plank of U.S. Russia policy and should be discussed at the highest levels when President Obama meets with […]