Articles by Joseph Romm
Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
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Nobelist Krugman: Fear of carbon markets and speculation is “99% wrong and bad for the planet”
There are many obstacles to taking action on climate change. Most of those obstacles have deep roots: there are powerful interest groups that don’t want market prices to reflect true […]
Game changer 5: RFK, Jr.: How to end America’s deadly coal addiction: natural gas!
Converting rapidly from coal-generated energy to gas is President Barack Obama’s most obvious first step towards saving our planet and jump-starting our economy. A revolution in natural gas production over […]
When Sen. Dorgan finds out what’s in the climate bill he might just support it
Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) has a “Probability of Yes” vote (PrY) of 22% for the climate bill, as it’s currently written (see “Who are the swing Senators?“). That is notwithstanding […]
It’s time to save planet Earth. And our inspiration, once again, comes from JFK
July 19, 2009 I have a new article at Salon, “Goodnight, moon travel.” I discuss how the challenge of averting catastrophic climate change is quite different from the Apollo program […]