Articles by Joseph Romm
Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
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AEI compares EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to Clint Eastwood
In a bizarre pop-culture flip-flop, Kenneth Green of the American Enterprise Institute has compared the mild-mannered EPA administrator to Dirty Harry: You can just see Jackson standing there with a […]
Exclusive interview with Dr. Mojib Latif
Memo to media and deniers: If your “global cooling” piece revolves around Dr. Latif, you probably have the entire story backwards. But, at least for deniers, that is the goal. […]
Memo to George Will, Washington Post
The reason why big league journalists have to try much harder than they have been to get the climate story right is that when they get it wrong, it opens […]
People reluctant to book Sarah ‘Four Pinocchios’ Palin for speaking engagements
When we last left GOP quitter-in-chief Sarah Palin she had written a falsehood-filled piece attacking climate action and clean energy for, who else, the Washington Post. Then Senators Boxer and […]