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Articles by Joseph Romm

Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

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Predictably, the mainstream media spun this month’s election as a debilitating blow for climate advocates, especially Democratic billionaire Tom Steyer, who spent many millions to raise the political profile of climate change as an issue in the 2014 campaign.

“Where did Steyer’s strategy go wrong?” Politico asked in a typical post-election headline. And The New York Times determined that “Steyer appears to have largely wasted his time and money” — based primarily on quotes from, yes, two GOP strategists. Seriously. If only the Koch brothers had come to that conclusion after all the money they “wasted” in 2006. Or 2008. Or 2012.

This kind of blinkered assessment is no surprise coming from Politico, a center-right publication that focuses entirely on politics over policy. Like most of the MSM and indeed most of the “intelligentsia,” it has never grasped the existential nature of the threat posed by human-caused climate change.

In this case, though, the Times was even worse, making this bizarre assertion: “By politicizing the issue of climate change, some strategists say, Mr. Steyer may have rais... Read more

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