Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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Why some Russians look forward to global warming
Conquering its vast wilderness has long been a dream of Russia’s rulers, even the not-so-capitalist ones…Freedom Toast via FlickrOK, this is really a glorified retweet, but Brad Plumer has a […]
Damning look at Canada’s tar sands tops enviro journalism awards
Canadian journalist Andrew Nikiforuk won the top prize from the Society of Environmental Journalists’ annual reporting awards for his investigation of oil extraction in the tar sands of northern Alberta. […]
Better ways to spend $1 million on plastics
The American Chemistry Council will spend more than $1 million to fight a 20-cent fee on plastic shopping bags in Seattle, hoping voters reject the proposal in August. Or send […]
Grading Senate websites reveals a lack of transparency on climate and energy
Grist got to wondering, “Can voters in all 50 states go online and easily find out what a senator thinks about climate change and energy policy?”Photo illustration by Tom Twigg […]